Tag: newsletter
Next Era
After the unfortunate closing of TinyLetter this newsletter has been on pause until I find a suitable replacement service. I’m very grateful for the readers who have reached out with recommendations, and those who have encouraged me to keep writing more. A great deal has happened since I wrote the last letter! So if you…
Changing Frame of Mind
Long time no see! When spring rolled around I got caught up in wedding season (so many BEAUTIFUL grooms and brides finally tied the knot this year <3 <3 <3 !!!!) and now that everyone has escaped the danger zone I’ve been relaxing this week with our old arch nemesis: COVID. It has been the…
Wandering Above a Sea of Fog (February 2022)
Another month is here! The world sure does keep on spinning, doesn’t it? In addition to everything going on, you know, out there in the world, I have been extremely busy making things big and small. They are either private or NDA projects, so not well suited to a public blog. It has been very…
New Year Recap (December 2021)
Happy New Year! I am typing this from chilly Colorado, where I have been staying with my family for the holidays. The air is apocalyptically dry, and a burst of wind tore through with such force that a car alarm started. Our Christmas tree, naked and discarded in the lawn until the recycling service starts…