Episode 2 – Ghost Guest

It’s our Halloween episode, with special spooky guest Jocelyn Kim!!! We learn the story behind the recently released cute-’em-up TWINKLE WITCH ~Save the Sweets!!~ and get some good Unity tips from Jocelyn. Catherine explains how she procrastinated on her project by making a Bloodborne anime OP, and things get contentious when Esteban shows his latest build – but don’t worry I think the two of them will stay friends… at least for now.

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Check out screenshots of the games at http://estebanfajardo.com/2018/11/16/episode-2-ghost-…y-question-marks/

Screen Shot 2018-11-15 at 10.21.49 AMScreen Shot 2018-11-15 at 10.28.26 AM

Follow our guest, Jocelyn Kim at @jocelynkimchi !!!

Catherine Fox is at @foxyredspecs and Esteban Fajardo is at @estebanthinks !!!


Next time: Catherine and Esteban definitely absolutely work diligently over two weeks without rushing to make progress at the last minute. They stick to a plan and nothing unexpected happens and it’s GREAT. SUPER GOOD. Esteban in particular has definitely already started work. Yep. YEP.


Intro and outro song from the Twinkle Witch soundtrack. Download and play Twinkle Witch ~Save the Sweets!!~ at https://jocelyn.itch.io/twinkle-witch

Catherine recommends the GDC talk “Procedurally Generating History in Caves of Qud” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H0sLa1y3BW4

And lastly, Catherine made a Bloodborne anime OP!!! It’s so cool! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=40–i6otxXI